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4. THE SECOND HEARTBEAT - By Beverley Clarke :  With the words of his deceased friend ringing in his ears and three old yellowing black and white photographs in his pocket, Matthew Sterling sets out for Keresan, Southeast Asia in search of Lily Pondoveri. He is accompanied by Jamie Forthright, the son of his deceased friend Roger Forthright who is totally unaware of the true reason for the visit. Little does Matthew know what surprises lay in store for them when they walk into a club frequented by Vietnam War veterans who have made Southeast Asia their home, and notice a very beautiful bi-racial young woman standing behind the bar.  Jamie is immediately attracted to her, but she shows no interest in him. After a long search, Matthew not only finds Lily, and her daughter Pia, but also Ronald Bayswater, who is the spitting image of Roger Forthright. Buy your copy at  


3. I AM CALLED RANJIT - By Beverley Clarke:  When Christine Bonnett returns to Bombay in November 2008 after a twenty five year absence, not only does she find the street boy Ranjit whom she had befriended, but also the handsome entrepreneur Vijay Mahajan she had left behind. When terrorists take over the city, Vijay and Christine find themselves sequestered in his flat where he admits that he is still in love with her. She must decide if she wants to enter into the relationship, because he brings with him, a drug addicted son, a domineering mother and the remnants of a failed marriage.           Website:    Buy your copy at:

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2. DOOR IN THE WALL : An anthology of 24 stories. (by Inklink writers group) This is the second anthology of Inklink writers (a group of 8 women from Bangalore),  'Door in the Wall'  is an eclectic collection of short fiction, diverse in plot, style and treatment, but with a common thread: the barriers we erect between ourselves and the world; the walls in our minds and in our hearts. And yet, when the door in the wall sometimes creaks open, streaming the light in.  Available at:  Amazon Flipkart   

1. RUNAWAY WIDOW: By Dr.Eva Bell:   Tara, a child widow flees from the narrow confines of her village, in pursuit of her dream of acquiring a good education. Her adventures and misadventures in Bombay are many. But she surmounts them all with extraordinary confidence. She inadvertently helps a detective solve a complicated case, but somewhere along the way falls in love with him. This is her touching love story. Buy your copy at  Flipkart   & Amazon: