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Do you remember?

by Qadariah Khan

Memories are tricky, aren't they?
On the melodious tune of our heart they sway,
Remember that cold night?
When the moon was in our sight shining so bright,

We made promises,
Of thorns and roses,
Pain was a feeling so dull,
Because, betrayal was a friendly pull,

I remember my childhood,
Playing in the garden and swinging from a wood;
Do you remember? We were friends once,
Alas, now, Those memories weigh a tons,

We would play without a clue of time,
In those moments, everything was a bittersweet lime,
I remember the smile on our faces,
Do you remember? The friendly phases?

We were each other’s saviour,
Our secrets weren’t much braver,
You'd ask, “Are we best friends?”
I remember, I said, “Sadly, that’s the dead end",

What are friends for?
If not to increase happiness just a little more?
I remember, I said, “I’d rather be alone than to have company”,
Do you remember? Because in that moment we were sharing the same symphony,

Sometimes I wonder, how do we remember some incidents?
Is it because they are unforgettable experiences?
Do you remember?
I once wished to be a part of your imagination as a member?

Now I feel alone without you,
Why? I have got no clue!
When I look in the mirror,
I see someone I wouldn’t want to be, ever,
So, do you remember?

I wish, I remembered the past me,
But, unfortunately, it too, wasn’t that free,
I remember, feeling alone being all by myself;
Now, I’m just an empty shell,

I come back to you, time and time again,
What’s the point? When I’m no longer sane,
Am I supposed to be like this?
Or am I a forgotten broken piece?

So, I ask you, do you remember?
I ask my past self, do you remember?
I think, you don’t,
I guess, my demons won,

I thought, we would be the same from the beginning,
But it all shattered on a windy evening,
I remember I hated me,
For now, I can’t see the past me,

No wonder I’m afraid of everything I once believed,
Cause, shame is a fully blooming seed,
I remember I asked once, “Can you forgive me for what I have become?”
I waited for the reply, but none came,

It’s on me now,
To answer the past me with a hearty bow,
But am I capable? Of the strength I once had,
Or is it too late and my time is just....bad?

Do you remember? The beating of our heart?
Do you still wish for a new beginning to start?
I can’t promise, for it would be a lie,
I remember you saying, “Let’s indulge in a hearty cry”

So now, I want to say,
That this time around, I will stay,
I remember because it was never forgotten,
My time is not yet shortened,

Let’s start anew with a new feeling,
For I remember, “Every ending is a new beginning”.


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Mar 13, 2023
Do you remember
by: Your Name:

The poem is really wonderful and it feels really relatable with my childhood and the last line is very beautiful and inspiring. Thank you.

Mar 10, 2023
wonerful imagery
by: Yogayathri devi duttur Name:

I liked the expressions so meaningful for the protgonist is none but the poet. the dialogue in retrospect is revealing. The diction and the rhythm match the feelings in a sensitive way purging the reader'emotions

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