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The Healthiest Juice Combos

by Sudha Chandrasekaran
(Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India)

Fresh fruit juices are a great way to satisfy a sweet tooth and get your daily nutrients. Adding juices made from whole, natural fruits and vegetables to your diet in the morning, for lunch or a mid-day snack and even as an after-dinner treat, helps keep you healthy.

You can have a juice any time of the day for a pick-me-up, but just remember that in order to lose weight you have to create a calorie deficit of about 500 calories a day. While some juices can be high in calories, they are still healthy and delicious!

Combinations of fruit and vegetables offer a variety of health benefits, and these super foods pack a powerful nutritional punch. For example, cucumber alone helps cleanse the body, specifically the kidneys while parsley offers mild diuretic properties. The alkaline fluid of watermelon neutralizes acids and flushes toxins out of the kidneys. So for a whole body cleanse, a juice that contains a combination of cucumber, watermelon and parsley along with a touch of ginger provides a total detoxification of some of your most important elimination organs, and it tastes fantastic! These juices also act as a blood cleanser, and offer sustained energy plus a metabolic boost to support weight loss goals. Combine the best seasonal ingredients to create refreshing juices all year round. Do you know that liquids are easier on your digestive system in the morning than solid foods are? Kick off your day with these fruit and vegetable juices.

Carrot, Ginger and Apple: Boosts and cleanses your immune system.
Apple, Cucumber and Celery: Prevents cancer, reduces cholesterol, and eliminates stomach problems and headache.

Tomato, Carrot and Apple: Improves skin complexion and eliminates bad breath.
Bitter gourd, Apple and Milk: Avoids bad breath and reduces internal body heat.
Orange, Ginger and Cucumber: Improve Skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.
Pineapple, Apple and Watermelon: Dispels excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney.

Apple, Cucumber and Kiwi: Improves Skin Health.

Pear and Banana: Regulates sugar content.

Carrot, Apple, Pear and Mango: Clears body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreases blood pressure and fights oxidization.

Honeydew, Grape, Watermelon and Milk: Rich in vitamin C and Vitamin B2 that increases cell activity and strengthens body immunity.

Papaya, Pineapple and Milk: Rich in vitamin C, E and Iron. It improves skin complexion and metabolism.

Banana, Pineapple and Milk: Rich in vitamins and nutrients and prevents constipation.
Cranberry, Grape and Prune: Prevents constipation and cleanses the stomach.

Green Juices include the following: Celery, Spinach, Tomato and Dill (Savaa in Hindi; sada kuppi in Tamil and Shepu in Marathi); Celery, Spinach, Cabbage, Savaa and Lemon; Spinach, Tomato, Garlic, Ginger and Lal mirich; Cucumber, Parsley, Celery and Ginger.

Combination Juices of fruits and vegetables: Green Apple, Strawberry, Cucumber and Mint; Pineapple, Watermelon, Mango and Orange Bell Pepper; Orange, Lemon, Lime and Ginger; Pineapple, Orange, Watermelon, Spinach and Lal Mirich; Blueberry, Raspberry, Cabbage, Cucumber and Mint.
Use just a touch of savaa, lemon, lal mirich, sweet basil, ginger and mint in all the juices.

Beetroot Juice Benefits: Beetroot juice has been actually shown to reduce high blood pressure, a gift for people with hypertension and those looking to avoid cardiovascular issues. The effects on high blood pressure are apparently so potent that information published in the journal Hypertension, a publication from the American Heart Association, established that consuming 500 millilitres of beetroot juice resulted in a measurable reduction in hypertension in just an hour. These beneficial results lasted even up to 24 hours after such beetroot juice drinking. Scientifically, the credit goes to the high content of nitrate that is present in the beetroot juice.

Beet root, Apple and Blackberry Juice: Beet juice is a powerful cleanser of the blood, and highly nutritious. It’s full of foliate, manganese potassium, iron and Vitamin C.

Carrot, Beet root and Orange Juice: Carrot is full of vitamins E and B, beta carotene and various minerals. Oranges are bursting with vitamin C, and beet roots are rich in potassium and calcium, two vital minerals.

There are a whole lot of juices which one can make. The above mentioned ones are just a few of them!

If you are new to juicing, incorporating it into your everyday life can seem a bit daunting. Here are just a few reasons you should consider drinking raw juice daily:

Juicing helps you absorb all the nutrients from fruits and vegetables. You have probably heard that juice goes directly to your bloodstream because it lacks fiber to slow its digestion. This is true, but that is also precisely the reason it can be a healthful part of your diet – it is quick pre-digested energy and provides the essential nutrients for your body. In other words, your body need not have to work to digest the fiber of the fruits and vegetables, so you will get the maximum nutrition, without any wastage.

Juices are no doubt satisfying. Since they are bursting with nutrients and enzymes your body craves for, they will keep you satisfied longer. When you drink vegetable juice, it provides your body with the fuel it needs, which in turn keeps you feeling full longer. Once you have become accustomed to the taste, try reducing the sweeter fruits, like apples, and start focussing more on veggies and low-sugar fruits such as lemons and limes.

Why Juice? If you are trying to cut calories, hunger can be a challenging obstacle. A short juice fast, a day perhaps, can help train your body and mind to consume less food, and fewer calories. However, many people are unaware that store-bought juices do not contain all the nutrients found in fruit or vegetable juices. Bottled juices must be pasteurized in order to stay on the shelf. Because the shelf life of fresh juice is short, the pasteurization process allows the juice to remain in stores until it reaches the consumer but it also loses all of the important nutrients, leaving behind only sugar and flavour.

Should I peel or skin my veggies and fruits? No, do not peel them and your body will thank you. It is the skin which carries the maximum amount of nutritive value. If you peel and skin them, you are throwing away the healthy nutrients. It is best to leave it on with the exception of the hardened skin of quash, pumpkin and the like. But do keep in mind that fruits still contain sugar and so consuming juice in excess may not be health friendly. Drink juices moderately and this is the way to a healthy body and a healthy mind!


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