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BLACK, GREY & WHITE shades layer: Grey shade, mixture of black and white colour represents-Spiritual focus, mystery, deep thinking and individuality. …

You are not alone 
Life is a journey with number of ups and downs. We are taught lessons of life at every stage of our life. In the journey of life we meet many strangers …

Placid Conversations 
All by herself Sangita sits at the corner table of a not-so-posh restaurant, Bhoj, in Jaipur, which was teeming with people on a Sunday afternoon. Sangita …

Burnt Flavours 
Questions on culinary skills of a girl or remarks on how good or bad a cook she is are not really surprising, if not common, at least in an intimate …

I Am Not A Superwoman! 
My work is unfinished, my house is not tidy. When reading out bedtime stories I doze off before my kids do. I make every effort to catch up but I feel …

India's Rare Feminist 
Introduction: In countries like India, the word "Feminism" has taken a bad shape in the minds of society. The word itself causes a negative opinion. …

Mother and Child 
As soon as a child is born and it cries for the very first time, the happiest face at the moment will the mother of that child. She feels top of the …

The Truth of Woman's Emancipation 
Are women really free in today’s world? This is a question which comes to the mind of many of us. Emancipation in true sense means to let a woman free …

The Undeserving Only Girl Child - contd 
Back to page 1 of this article As she kept speaking her heart out, I just kept silent and let her speak. I may not be the right person she was trying …

Asian Men and their Spouse 
Its easy to be someone's mate in happiness...but the best is amongst you who stays mate in their sad times. Ever thought why Asian men find it hard …

A Letter to Sparrow 
Dear Mr. Sparrow, Where are you these days? I haven’t seen you from long. Have you abandoned the nest you’d built in the nest box hung in my balcony? …

The Use of “EXIT”Philosophy in Practical Life 
Many of us are wandering souls and I strongly believe that whomsoever we meet in life we meet for a purpose. Some of them touch your life to transform …

Bangalore Literature Festival 
I was excited about attending the Literature Festival after four years during my recent visit to Bangalore. I was privileged to be in the company of …

Historical Buildings 
What do we do with old historical buildings? Are they important for the society? Yes, definitely! They are important and I think we should preserve …

Generation Gap 
We are the of kids of 1990's to 2000, the so called youths of now. We are living in the period of smart phones, leading a smart life. Everything is almost …

He Who Challenged the Odds... 
Feeling low? Finding life unfair? Meet Krishna. Was the reason why his newly wed parents had to spend their married life in jail… Branded as a killer, …

Tribute to Prema Sastri 
Mrs. Prema Sastri a short story writer, novelist and dramatist breathed her last on 13th July 2017, after a prolonged illness. She was a member of IWW …

My Grandmother 
I completed my final year degree in June(2016). After getting the results, just like everyone, I was in a dilemma of WHAT NEXT? None of my friends …

Astrology: Boon or Bane 
Entangled into the shackles of red-hat, & blinded by customary one nurtures age-old customs, and surprisingly lends an ear to Astrology even in the dawn …

Dear Son  
Dear Son, Our last conversation sent me into the thinking mode; you have been a very good son – have never given me any reason to complain. But I realized …

The Fiery Night 
Our father hailed from a very small village of Basauli in Uttarakhand,the divine land of gods, also called devbhoomi. This is the hilly area and the village …

Was the cord scissored? 
The pomp and show of the month long annual summer fair drew colossal crowds. Men and women, old and young were equally attracted. I and my hubby were eager …

A Little Surprise… 
This story goes back to the good old days of Doordarshan. I am sure most of the people would agree with me that the decade between 1985 and 1994 was considered …

Spiritual time in the Temple 
On the special occasion of Venugopala Jayanti, Lord Venugopala temple was packed with the devotees. Those who did not get the entrance inside the temple …

why do women get married? 
I stand at the back of my roof, facing the radio tower rising high into the sky. It is a hot summer evening but the hottest days have passed. I looked …

Love Thyself 
Pia and Mitali were room-mates in a PG accommodation. They were also classmates studying a management course in Pune. Being away from home was the first …

Musings of a politician - continued 
Back to Page 1 Kalpana made a decision. She was in no mood to be the rabble-rouser. The situation could be saved from exploding. She told Ganoba …

It was one of the hottest days in April. Outside, the temperature was comparatively higher than that of the past few decades. The crowded classroom and …

Moments to Memories 
It was a moment of thrill for him, when he saw a man seated just besides him. He could not control his emotion and said, “Hello, Vasudev.” Vasu noticed …

Boss insults subordinate for petty gain 
It was hot news for the Bank staff on that day. Vasu was in charge of bank’s extension counter located at the cement plant. An employee of the cement …

A Homage to Mother 
This is a tribute to a mother of the last century who performed her duty to her family with perfect dedication, diligence and concern. Like all other moms, …

Two popular days observed 
The two popular days celebrated the world over are – ‘Father’s Day’ and ‘Mother’s day’. Children are taking great pains …

Amusing Nick Names  
After retirement from the bank’s service, Vasu decided to utilize the spare time for some good purposes like reading, writing and sharing his views …

An Unforgettable Experience 
We were in a quandary; Confused by the zigzag puzzle of ‘One way-Two way-No way’, had landed ourselves at the wrong way,and now the automan was refusing …

The Rubik's Cube 
“ Now the CTO of Flower communications Mr Shaminder Singh will give us the details of how high speed data networks can revolutionarise our daily lives.” …

The Sharjah International Book Fair 2013 
I had the most interesting and invigorating time at the Sharjah international Book festival which was held in Sharjah from 6th to to 21st November 2013. …

Snake Myths 
There are several myths about snakes, which need to be verified. A few known to me are mentioned herein: 1. It is believed that the snakes after praying …

A Teacher well remembered 
Teachers do play a great role in moulding young minds.It is even said that their role is next only to parents.Ancient Indian texts elevate guru even to …

Bins and Bins and Bins!! 
The imperative instructions of the government regarding the disposal of garbage created utter chaos raising numerous questions, and arguments, …

A memorable experience - Bangalore Literature festival  
I was looking forward to attending all the three days of Bangalore Literature Festival held from 27th to 29th September 2013, but could make it only on …

Ceremonial matters 
Time: Mid 20th century. Janaki was born and brought up in a Hindu-Brahmin community. Her family had held on to traditions and rituals to mark every milestone …

The Haldi Factor  
My young colleague, Maya, was looking a combination of being upset, hurt, annoyed, and was getting flashes of I-will-get-even look, at regular intervals. …

What's in a Name? 
That, which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet! What’s in a name is a question, which elicits many answers, as long as we are discussing …

The Human in a Man 
The bus ride along the country side is always a pleasure. The green pastures, labored urgency of the people and a silence that defies the logic for a city …

Truly 'Special'.... 
All of them were standing in a queue at the ticket counter, colourfully dressed, they were looking excited, their eager faces showing a new happiness. …

Giving Away 
In this arena of technology and space wars, humans have lost the touch of humanity. Humanity is the very touch that brings life to …

Mission Matters 
Time and Place, more often than not, play a pivotal role in a person's life. Time and Place offer people unique opportunities. They throw light on the …

People often speak of ghosts and spirits.I have never seen any. However,narrated here are some authentic incidents,which may provide food for thought. …

Surplus Extravaganza? 
Well, I've been often accused of harboring an identity to what is not in "our culture"; or so some people seem to think. This issue had been picking the …

Are We The Offenders? 
Just outside our block of flats a cemented strip of path connects to a temple – the Jagadish Mandir. Over a period of time, the temple has found many …

The sound of the city 
Deafening Silence. Swaying of the trees. The roaring wind. Chirping of the birds. Sounds unheard in Mumbai. All these beautiful sounds of nature gets …

The Mother In Law Syndrome 
For about a long time now, I've been vying to write something on the much debated mother in law topic, albeit from a woman's perspective, who lives …

Togetherness and The Human Touch 
For so many times in the journey of life, we’ve felt that all of it; living itself is a futile exercise. For often, we’ve felt miserably unhappy, questioning …

Religion sees no boundaries? 
It was another tiring day at the office. I couldn’t wait to go for the short trip that I had planned with Rajiv. We were going to a pilgrimage place, as …

Whose land is it anyway? 
It was one of those rare moments when I cared enough to switch on the television and see some broadcast. I stopped by Discovery channel, this gesture of …

.......And Why is It So? 
The Metro was jam packed as usual. It was the evening rush hour. Wasn’t it more exciting to get back home after a day’s hard work! The doors slid open. …

Sentiments are an integral part of human life. What’s life sans sentiments? It’s the sentiments only which convert a dry and colourless life into one full …

International Women's Day - Women Power 
Women’s International Day is fast approaching (8th March), and people start to question and discuss about women power. Women rights organizations and …

From The Diary of a Mother 
The present age has transited from being the industrial age to the age of information. We really take pride in achievements of present day man. But this …

Man Woman Bender : Is the Family Sham Dividing Instead of Uniting? 
I've always believed that love is an amalgamation of companionship, a longing for each other and understanding in the real world. Far are the realities …

Bleeding City 
(written during the blasts that rocked Mumbai in 2011; in memory of the many who lost their lives) Have you ever thought how difficult it is to …

Office Gossip 
I was working as an officer in the bank. It was a small branch with three officers (including branch manager), four clerks, and one peon. Sometimes gossip …

Believe the Unbelievable 
WHY PEOPLE BELIEVE THE UNBELIEVABLE? Morals, beliefs, faith forms an important part of one's personality, however, people always forget the …

Feminism and Equality in India 
All genders in the Indian society are a part of social collectivism. Differences lie between the nature of gender. This difference got a raise when society …

Indian Education System 
“Learning gives creativity Creativity leads to thinking …

Call From Heart 
Sometimes I sit back and wonder, why is the term feminism coined? Does it really help women in their daily life? And most importantly, do they actually …

Bold Step in the Toughest Situation 
"Sir, please get down. I will not move further. The situation here is full of tense. Sorry, I am asking you to get down in the middle. I don’t want to …

Overcome Awkward Situation 
Vasu was upset the whole day due to an unexpected incident happened. He was very much disappointed for the development taken place on that particular …

A Unique Experience 
There was a telephone call from Avinash to his colleague Vasu at 6.30 a.m. He was not available to receive the call. His wife attended the phone call. …

Those well meaning people !! 
What this world be like without those ‘well meaning people’? To those who can put them in their place,they give a great sense of satisfaction. And for …

Life Chronicles 
I was traveling in a bus the other day, when I realized there is so much more you can do than just sit aimlessly, cursing the traffic or being lost into …

The Onion Peel 
Flashback (January 2009) - Sitting in the amphitheater of my college on a beautiful winter evening over a cup of tea, I sat with a person very dear to …

Back to School Not rated yet
(Image courtesy:Pexels) Summer break can be both a delightful and challenging time for mothers as they juggle the responsibilities of caring for their …

Technology a Boon or Bane Not rated yet
The term "technology" describes the useful use of scientific knowledge for a specific goal. The utility of products and services is increased by technology. …

RAAHI Not rated yet
RAAHI all set for behavioral change for diesel auto drivers Rejuvenation of Auto Rickshaws in Amritsar through Holistic Intervention (RAAHI) …

Striking a Balance Not rated yet
Striking a Balance: Gender Equality and the Concerns of Boys in Progressive Societies In recent times, the call for empowering girls and providing …

A Regular Media Student Not rated yet
I watched Scoop over the weekend, and what I felt was something that I had not felt ever before, something that I never thought I would experience just …

Relax Every Day Not rated yet
Nancy used to come home with a headache from her high-pressure job in a busy purchasing department. "It would begin about the middle of the afternoon when …

Today’s Newspaper Not rated yet
Today’s Newspaper is Tomorrow’s waste paper Collecting things has been man’s hobby for thousands of years. Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen, who …

Every Child is Unique Not rated yet
Remember the school days when results used to be declared? Some students would score very high scores, some would score average marks, and some would …

Guilt free Parenting Not rated yet
Parenting is definitely not an easy journey. First coping with the newborn, then the toddler phase and most challenging, the teenage years. It's a journey …

Emotional Intelligence Not rated yet
Emotional intelligence in literal meaning being intelligent about our emotions. Every day we come across different kinds of situations in our life, whether …

Case Study on Domestic Violence Not rated yet
Domestic Violence is defined as the physical harassment of male partner committing violence against his female partner. The stereotypes that females …

Breaking Out of the Comfort Zone Not rated yet
You do not love your job anymore, although you have been working at it for several years and have no intention of quitting. You wake up feeling miserable …

IS FEMINISM A NEW AGE CONCEPT: TRACING THE ROOTS OF FEMINISM IN WOMEN OF MYTHOLOGY The world claims to know of you Still, my true story remains …

Is our Indian traditional marriage losing its Charisma Not rated yet
My 28-year-old niece has no immediate plans to get married, as she feels that marriage is the culmination of too many responsibilities and commitments, …

News cum life paper Not rated yet
So, you're probably reading a newspaper along with a cup of tea or may be travelling in a local train eating something wrapped with newspaper. You could …

Mandala- a Buddhist Ritual Not rated yet
The Tibetan Temple - THEKCHEN CHOELING, DHARAMSHALA (HIMACHAL PRADESH) BUDDHA SAKYAMUNI The Buddha Sakyamuni is the principle image placed at the …

Veerangana Not rated yet
Like every girl I dreamt of a wedding in a red lehenga and sparkling jewellery, so when this dashing man in a white uniform came into my life, it was indeed …

Love yourself enough to set boundaries Not rated yet
Adolescence is a very trying phase for children and during this time there will be a lot of issues because of generation gap. The only mantra of parenting …

Office Yoga, ‘The at-your-desk chill-out’  Not rated yet
Transform yourselves…………..from tension and fatigue in your workplace to alertness, stamina and greater productivity. What’s the four-letter word for …

The Exceptional Child with Special needs Not rated yet
“Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn whatever state I am in, therein to be content,” says Helen Keller, the American educator …

Acid Attack Not rated yet
Acid Attack - The most horrendous crime Acid attacks are the most gruesome crimes, that not only cause physical trauma but also affect the …

Mental Well Being Not rated yet
Talk That talk - Mental Well being “The Mind is everything, what you think you become.”-Buddha As Buddha’s teachings state that the mind is …

Being Silent At Times Not rated yet
Most of the times we take silence to be an individual’s stern decision to react to an offensive gesture. But Silence isn’t always stern perhaps it is just …

Women Leadership in Companies Not rated yet
In late 2019 in the month of September, few months before COVID-19 struck India, and after a long stay of 19 years in Walldorf, Germany, Sindhu Gangadharan …

Covid World Not rated yet
The alarm rang at 6.24 am. She woke up and fought her habit of cupping her hand to her mouth while yawning, drank a glass of water and went to the …

Cindrella Not rated yet
Cinderella has survived over many-the-years, first the wicked stepmother and the midnight curfew and then hundreds of versions and adaptations in books, …

The duality within me Not rated yet
The problem is that the world is trying to figure out everything they see, hear, and feel which is a clear effort to control life. Control what we feel, …

Take a Look in the Mirror Not rated yet
“Kabhi Kabhi to lage har din mushkil aur har pal ek saza” penned down A.R. Rahman in “Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na” title track. This phrase was my anthem for …

Behind The Name Of Love Not rated yet
"Love is the most powerful force in the world" -Dallin H. Oaks. This quote by jurist Dallin, defines us the reality of this world, because love is …

Existence Beyond Colour and Shape Not rated yet
In Indian culture and society, caste, gender, colour, class, religion, nationality, community, language, all play crucial role in not only building the …

Stay Home Stay Safe Stay Active Not rated yet
Everyone says stay home stay safe during this lockdown period. But I am going to share some ideas which will also make you stay active. Its better to follow …

When A Stranger Called Me Idiot Not rated yet
It was a laid back weekend afternoon, a perfect day for home shopping. I was walking with my extra-large cart, through the aisles of Ikea. Blinded by …

Karma Returns Not rated yet
Human beings the so called ruler of the entire universe, who just ruled the entire world as he owned it. Without any legal authority or legal command …

Where Do We Lack Not rated yet
The recent spate of offences against women has horrified me. As a girl, I fear while stepping out of the threshold of my house. It not only entails me …

Home Exercises  Not rated yet
Home Exercises, A Convenient Way to Burn Calories! "For most of us, health will depend not on who we are, but on how we live. The body you have …

Maternity Fashion Not rated yet
With the trend of maternity fashion catching on rapidly in India, there are a plethora of super speciality stores and the collection includes everything …

Divorce on the Rise - contd Not rated yet
Back to Page 1 of the Article However, the option for divorce, to a large extent, is still class led because the rise is being seen amongst the educated, …

Homosexuality A Reality - contd Not rated yet
Back to page 1 of the article The last century witnessed major changes in the conception of homosexuality. Since 1974, homosexuality ceased to be …

Kindness Always Brings Happiness Not rated yet
It was a Monday evening n Pavanpur town. Suddenly there was heavy rain accompanied by thunderstorm. The situation was most horrible for the people. I …

Pollution Not rated yet
Plastic, plastic, plastic………We all are very familiar about this word. Isn’t it? From morning to evening every object we use contains plastic. This single …

S/he Not rated yet
I am still reeling from its impact. For an incredibly long time, we as men and women have been mostly indifferent towards them. I have personally mastered …

Indian Marriages: Blend of Traditional and Western Culture Not rated yet
The celestial knot of a wedding is the most sacred essence of Indian society. Every Indian wedding is celebrated in the most splendid fashion which makes …

The Tongue which tastes Sugar and Salt Not rated yet
Having taken birth in my beautiful country India is definitely not a mere coincidence. It has in it many unfolded and mystic facets to be one amongst 150 …

Boons of Technology Not rated yet
How has technology made the world a better place to live in? In fact, human beings have become so dependent on technology that life can seem shattered …

Mental Health Awareness Not rated yet
Every year World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October. It was first observed back in 1992. The main motive behind this day is to aware people about …

The Peaceful Sin!! Not rated yet
And then she decided to give up finally on him because she had realized that now it was becoming very tough for her to fool her heart anymore... She …

Good Man With Bad Luck  Not rated yet
Madhusudan was staying in a rented house just opposite to my house. He had no time to meet the neighbours even after three months of coming to this house. …

Please Don't Take Me For Granted! Not rated yet
On Woman Empowerment I am a strong lady, synonym of Shakti (The power). If I don't raise voice, it's my upbringing... please don’t take me for …

Say - So Not rated yet
Society, community, caste, religions all together build a ‘Society’, together am I right? Did I just miss a bit? Yes, I did and it is the ‘People’, it …

Please, Let go. Not rated yet
Dear Ma, Remember what you told me about the equations changing between a husband and wife once their child is born? It is very true, and after Shreya …

Groped Not rated yet
Pardon me for I know what I am writing, for neither it is easily digestible nor there's any courage to accept the facts... A video is going viral today …

The Promise of Daylight Not rated yet
Having blazed all day long, the sun now seems to be sitting back, taking one last look at the day that he created, which he’ll shortly take away. The city …

Tell Her That You Love Her.  Not rated yet
My dear Brother, Tell her, that you love her… Yes, to the girl whom you will be reluctantly marrying next month… And yes, to the same girl whom you fought …

Letter dated in 1947 Recounting the Celebration of India's First Independence Day Not rated yet
(This historic letter was written By Satchidananda Sarkar) …

Transience Not rated yet
It was still early morning - sevenish. The traffic noise and dust had yet to establish their kingdom for the day. The air was relatively …

The Adventurous Excursion Not rated yet
It was my adventurous experience just five days before my sixteenth birthday when I attended the last school excursion cum camp near the premise of Kajiranga …

Society Not rated yet
It was dark in the night at 8pm. With their baby, Jeevan and Jeethu were walking along the streets of Tuna mina in Malaysia. Both the sides of the streets …

ATM Misuse Not rated yet
A colleague of mine is a person who hears a lot of songs and keeps working. He is a multi talented person, who hears songs and does his work also in the …

Women Empowerment Not rated yet
Every day we see the news, listen to the radio and read newspaper about rapes and crime against women. And government comes up with lot of schemes and …

The Knotty-Naughty Affair Not rated yet
In India, marriage is (or rather was) a sacred institution. Vows taken are fulfilled till the end. With time the very concept of marriage has changed. …

Tutorial Centre V/S Spiritual Centre Not rated yet
After retirement from the Bank service, Vasu devoted his maximum time for reading news papers. His method of reading is unique. First, he will go through …

Snake in the Bank Not rated yet
It was an unforgettable day for Vasu, who was an officer in charge of Bank’s extension counter. The office was situated at the other end of the big …

Papa, Please Help Me to Sleep - contd Not rated yet
Back to page 1 of the article A girl after marriage leaves her papa’s niche where she was grown up amidst love and affection. This is the place where, …

The Knot Now Not rated yet
Whither romance? Whither change? In the last thirty years no change, rather a change in the negative direction has come up. I had thought with women …

On Looking Back Not rated yet
Nostalgia comes naturally to a person like me who has spent three-fourth of his lifetime outside Kerala, his native land. It was much against my wishes …

Law of the Unintended Consequences Not rated yet
Four suicides in my locality! A phenomenon which repeatedly occurs though in different scenarios is bound to impinge on one's mind later or sooner and …

Think Positive Achieve Impossible Not rated yet
It was a torrential rain from 6 A.M. to 10 A.M. in Gurudhama Nagara a small village on the banks of Karuna river. Not even a single customer was coming …

International Women's Day  Not rated yet
On the 8th of March, Women’s groups all over the world will be celebrating International Women’s Day. Mass meetings and seminars will be organized. Newspapers …

Egoist Never Succeed in Life Not rated yet
It was 6 a.m. The climate was fine for morning walkers. There were a good number of walkers including men, women and kids in the park. The time spent …

Because its like a forest Not rated yet
The grass that grew on the land before the lion’s den was bright and green yet not one of the meek beings dared to trespass the region that belonged to …

A White Stick Beckoning A Walking Stick Not rated yet
My father left for heavenly abode at the age of eighty six years. One of his belongings “A Walking Stick”, which was carefully chiseled wooden stick with …

The Solution Not rated yet
Prof. Ramesh felt uneasy in his easy chair. The provocation was the letter received from his younger brother. He had expected the fellow to …

Crisis of Faith Not rated yet
It has been exactly 69 hours since we heard the news and 75 hours since they were abducted. Three school students in their late teens were abducted en …

She was Disloyal Not rated yet
“Baby, please don’t keep the wet towel on bed”. “I’m sorry sweetheart. I won’t repeat this”. I was going through one of the captured moments with …

No Not rated yet
Over the centuries much has been made of the fundamental fault of the female character - that to mean ‘yes’ and say ‘no’ comes naturally to them. “Maids …