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Some Interesting Quotes on Perspective

"A little perspective, like a little humor, goes a long way" Allen Klein

"Perspective gives us the ability to accurately contrast the large with the small, and the important with the less important. Without it we are lost in a world where all ideas, news, and information look the same. We cannot differentiate, we cannot prioritize, and we cannot make good choices "- John Sununu 

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth" - Marcus Aurelius 

"Distance not only gives nostalgia, but perspective, and maybe objectivity" - Robert Morgan

"It's amazing how, over time, a person's perspective can be altered" - Fred Durst 

"What we see depends mainly on what we look for" - John Lubbock

"Everything's got a moral if only you can find it" - Lewis Carroll

"You must look within for value, but must look beyond for perspective" - Denis Waitley 

"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky"- Rabindranath Tagore

We invite articles from Indian writers for our column "Perspective". These articles should be humorous and entertaining, for a light reading. Please see our Terms & Conditions before submitting the article.

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Th Rare Movement Disorders - contd 
Back to Previous page of this article A perturbed me was still weathering the onslaught of slides after slides of complications of Botox. Out of the …

I have recently been deeply troubled with the connotations of the overused word grace/graceful. Amid the repeated reminders of pre-ordained and tangible …

Thank You for Making a Difference 
A person who teaches you to be a better version of yourself is a teacher in true sense….. My thoughts go back to the time when I joined a reputed school …

Not so Perfect Woman 
Yours not-so-perfect nearing 30 Woman! In India, according to the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation 2019 report, the average …

Better Choice 
One's Choice is Better Than Society's Choice Every girl has their own choices like men. But first problem where it all begins is family. The …

What Makes One an Onion 
An onion……a vegetable used regularly in almost every house to cook food. A shade of somewhat mixed purple, pink, white, yellow, or maybe more – black when …

Freedom under my Burqa 
Winters are favorite of so many of us. One reason why I love winter, is because, it is during this time of the year, when I don't have to worry about …

Finding Research Topics  
Finding Research Topics : I landed on Myself After a bachelors degree in English and halfway through a Masters, you know the start and ends …

Harrassment of Women 
I didn’t intend to make you uncomfortable – A man’s perspective to harassment. Here is another woman, trying to understand what a man thinks, …

Thank you Dad for Being What You Are! 
Thank you Dad for being what you are. I have learnt so much from you! 1. Money is everything... More than relationships You have always prioritized …

The Infamous Cabbies of Mumbai 
“I am never getting in these kaali peelis again.” Over the years, I must have heard this line umpteen times. Being born and bred in Mumbai, it has always …

A Memoir 
The tall monumental heavy in growth, the banyan, Cast its Grandame shadows, like heaven's hands; Blessing on some flowery dale lying below. Musing I …

The Efflorescing Jasmine - contd 
Back to Page 1 My grandma brings him the health drink prescribed by the doctor. I notice hesitation in her steps, and she stands at the door. …

On a Dark Night 
I hugged my friend goodbye after a sumptuous and lovely dinner and headed towards the main road. I had a look into the Uber app. There were still ten minutes …

Forever Beautiful 
Shreya's phone beeped. She had received a message from her boyfriend. She smiled while opening the message. “Good Morning,”it said. She quickly replied …

Fairy Tale 
Maya, like every other girl, had grown up listening to the happily ever after tales of Snow White and Cinderella. Dreams had shadowed her mind by the time …

No Mirror Hotel 
I frequently go to Pune to visit my parents. My husband decided to take the trip to Pune with me for this long Christmas weekend. We settled on a road …

There was a girl with galaxies in her eyes. Hidden away from the pain and hate outside, locked up in her own little world. That’s where she was safest; …

Wow! Motherhood 
“Motherhood is nearest to divinity, it is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind.” – Howard W. Hunter. It’s a beautiful quote but I …

Aunty, What the hell! 
Don't call me aunty, it hurts. So what do you do when someone calls you an aunty? Yes! The dreaded A word. You want to presumably punch that person …

The Story of our Mango Tree 
It was a crisp morning and Sitabai was in the garden, plucking flowers. She couldn’t hide the gleam of pride that was radiating from her face. She was …

Shivanya sat there looking at Shishir in the hall as Interval finished and the movie resumed. Just 10 minutes back Shishir had declined her request to …

Deep Rooted 
I sat on the bench watching the trees dance in unison to the tune of the wind. The storm was violent. The storm was furiously determined to uproot the …

Chicken Dance 
Ravanu, a combination of boisterousness and aggression, is both liked and feared by people around; Of course, depending on the role he adopts, …

It's All About English Vinglish 
I was about nine years old when I first saw Sridevi on our black and white television set that sat on a small table in our living room. She was all glamour …

Supermoms, Are You One? 
“All Moms are supermoms” have you heard that ever? I have. I have heard it so often that I almost started believing it. I thought I could do everything …

Remembering the Departed - contd  
Back to page 1 of the article One fine day, I was woken up by the sound of furniture being moved about. I went in search of her and found her moving …

Lost and Found in UK streets 
After I quit my permanent job and moved to live in UK, I had this part time job to pick and drop my daughter to school by bus No 95. One evening, just …

When Gandhiji came to Bangalore 
Very young though I was at that time, Gandhiji’s arrival to our Bangalore is still etched in my memory because of the tremor it caused. …

The Abyss 
I twitched my lips and gasped. Why was I feeling jealous? Was it jealousy or the feeling of being worthless? I could not understand. It was already 12:00 …

Come Deepavali, our dear appa’s presence is felt through corridors of memory,beaming that special affectionate smile laden with the power of …

That day..! 
DAWN……as usual, but, with this difference—WE WERE FREE! Free at last from the yoke of servitude crippling our personality from so many years! (1776-1947) …

Jaipur Beauties 
I was in the doctor’s shop when this conversation cropped up of a sudden. Perhaps it was inspired by the couple holding on to crutches? By the fear stricken …

The Stolen Bicycle 
With me being a late sleeper and my husband being a ‘very early’ riser, there are very few hours in between for a thief to make a successful entry into …

During Sepoy Ramu Shooting 
It was during the shooting of “Sepoy Ramu’ - the picture based on my novel ‘Barele Innu Yamune?’, that I had the good …

The Big Black Car 
The closure of Hindustan Motors and the stoppage of the manufacture of Ambassador Car gave rise to many nostalgic stories about the grand old patriarch …

Taking up the Challenge-contd 
Continued from page 1 Now,on the 23rd of February the 35th anniversary of our Lekakiyara sangha took place with all pomp at the seat of Kannada …

Nuances in communication 
Having had a small opportunity of hobnobbing with different media-visual, audio and audio-visual on stage, radio and TV, my mind pondered over the slight …

Confusion of Landmarks 
Landmarks play a vital part in our lives, be it personal or general. For elders it gives a clear perspective of the lines crossed, hills climbed, …

Tribute to Sardar 
In defense forces, postings and allotment of quarters hardly go hand in hand, with each one following their own roster. Invariably the former always precedes …

The Albert Pinto Syndrome 
A few years back when the parallel cinema with its stalwarts Naseeruddin Shaw, Smita Patil, Shabana Azmi and others was at its peak, there came a movie …

A Few Drops of Blood 
A thin layer of dust on the outer side of the clean pane of the car spoke volumes about the polluted exterior. Each tick of the watch seemed to detonate …

The Elusive Timepiece 
It is very common to see messages on our mobiles and computers saying that we have won a big amount of money and that we should meet a certain party with …

Once Upon a Time 
Watching the Dasara procession on T.V. my mind travelled back to those glamorous days when the royal family were in power. …

When Ajji Tells Stories... 
There was a time when ajji was very popular with the grandchildren as a good story-teller.They would sit around her, listening avidly, anxious not to miss …

The Royalty of Mysore 
With massive changes sweeping over the country in the 20th and 21st century, our Kannada nadu, the golden state of Mysore also underwent many inevitable …

Intimations of Mortality 
"After sixty, the years we get are bonus years,” opined Mrs Sondhi. The idea struck me as strange. …

Personalised Service and Sweet American Peas. 
In South India, when the restaurants were small, the owner who would normally sit at the cash counter would come round and have a word or two with the …

Educating the Maidservant  
“You should have been in the films, not sweeping-swapping”- I thought aloud soon after engaging her-the new maidservant. …

The Present 
Our doctor had always admired a friend of his for his ‘anti star-T.V’ stand. Now,that friend had also become an addict like others! “Yes doc”-The wife …

Lost in Kids Land 
"Oh GOODDD"!!!! I pleaded helplessly! The screaming and shouting, the running around of kids up and down the classroom was draining all my energies. …

And you thought I never doped? 
Many years ago, when I was nothing but a little foetus, life was super fun. Floating in a cozy corner of my mother’s womb, I used to dream of the days …

Dotting the i's and Crossing the t's  
The ultimate compliment that a housewife can get for her cooking is that 'it is almost like restaurant's'. Vice versa, a hotel food is supposed to be …

A Soft Answer Turnth Away Wrath 
“A soft answer turnth away wrath, but a grievous word stirth danger." The bard said; Very true! But our elders needed no Shakespeare to teach them, …

Two Ghost Stories 
“Have you seen a ghost?” “Do you believe in ghosts?” Typical attention grabbing conversation starters, particularly in younger days. Though skepticism …

Memories Stirred 
Tears come unrestrained as I pause before the area which contained our childhood home. Tatha, the figurehead of our clan looms …

A Good Spread 
From times immemorial, a ‘good spread’ in English language means a lavishly laid out dining table. Cooks would make exotic dishes, good in quality and …

Judgmental and fickle 
A few days ago, when I came back home after a quick purchase from a local store, I found that a packet of biscuits that I bought had gone missing. From …

The Outdated Bill 
Hailing from a country notorious for small swindling as well as super scams, certain experiences I had abroad have left an indelible print on me. After …

Hash, Mash and Cash! 
Endowed with the gift of the gab, and an uncanny knack of striking at the right chord, film-producers really make heyday at the cost of us-poor writer’s …

What is in a Name? 
Names are something precious. It is names which give you identity, names which survive long after you cease to be. How eagerly even toddlers respond …

The Specialists' Visit 
One wonderful thing about Indian culture is, particularly in Bangalore, people drop in at all times. What is more, they are welcome all the time. No need …

The Laughter Club 
“If music is considered the language of gods, laughter should be considered as the language of man," said my friend known as the Plato …

Here They Come 
I would be lying if I say that I anticipate ‘peace’ when my ‘angels' reach home after a tiring day at school. Tiring not because they are overburdened …

Movie Matters 
The other day I received the special edition of a newspaper, commemorating a century of cinemas in India. …

Advertisement Marriages 
From NewJersey “Dear mummy, Herewith I have redirected a Matrimonial advertisement …

The 'Remote' Ethics 
Sharing a ‘remote’ is a fairly recent concept. When TV channels proliferated and people took unique pleasure in the new game called ‘surfing’ the ‘remote’ …

She'll learn -Seekh Jayegi  
I was always thought of as an excellent cook by my family - Home Science being my favourite subject and being a topper from the University - I was quite …

A Day Out of a Writer's Diary 
Deadline today. . . . . . and here I was still scribbling furiously …

My Extra Marital Affairs 
Marriage is the most wonderful institution that mankind could have ever thought of no matter what the modern singletons say about it. Whatever their …

Charming Chain 
Another hectic day was coming to a close. I glanced at the clock and was relieved to see that it was only 6.30pm. I am one hour away from my deadline …

Bride Fixing 
Bride fixing through telephone (A humor story) “ Hello, Yes yes,my son is in America- the most eligible bridegroom in our community!” …

On the Other side 
I am lying down in the Post-operative Recovery room raw with the pains of the surgery. Humbled, and basking in the glory of the birth of my son. A …

Bio data in Short 
World has always been diverse with its many languages, many cultures and geographic variety. But now this multiplicity has come into academic courses and …

The Flyaway Saree 
One thing I sincerely appreciate about the modern generation is their credo “Dress for comfort”, be it jeans, capris, salwaars, kurtis or swimsuits. …

Within Just Three Minutes 
My my, what’s this!I had lost, of all the things, ‘MY BODY’! Where did I lose it, and when? And now find myself floating in the air! Higher and higher …

The Bewitched B's and B's 
An electronic goods sales engineer while in profession, my brother-in law took to farming after retirement. Thanks to his sincere efforts, the two farms …

Buy One, Get One Free 
The phone rang. My daughter's voice floated from across the seas. "Hello, amma" "Hello dear. Your voice is not with usual verve. What is the matter? …

Whale Watching 
During our stay of total 10 months to Maui, Hawaii, distributed over 3 visits, we never did any of the flashy touristy stuff like surfing, snorkeling, …

The Child on the Balcony 
It was known as Officers’ slums, though it sounded like an oxymoron. The old wartime barracks were ready to be pulled down. But till such time as they …

Oh! To be a teenager again! 
As I write this, years melt away and I am back in my teens giggling away for no apparent reason. Humming 'I am sixteen going on seventeen' I am out …

Husband on Tour 
Lucky are the ladies whose husbands do not have to travel much for their work. From my own experience I know that most of the calamities have a way of …

The other day, I saw my husband talking to my neighbor in a tone lower than usual. My curiosity aroused, I waited for him to come in and asked breathlessly, …

Twice Bitten 
It is a well known anomaly that opposites always attract. Our neighbour, a patient, soft spoken, helpful gentleman was a good friend of my husband. Why …

The Villain in my life! 
It so happens that I don’t belong to a family where daughters are bought specs along with a wrist watch as part of their accessories in their teens …

The Hospital Appointment 
After the successful completion of the surgery and the return home of my husband, it was time for a review. I had to fix up appointments with two specialists, …

Gifts have always posed a big problem - What to give the bride/bridegroom/bridal pair or the birthday baby/person etc. During the time of our …

The Bandicoot and the Specs 
I wear specs- bifocal and photo chromatic. I wear it all the time except in bed and in bathroom. I have a small 8 feet by 40 feet strip of garden …

Mothers-in-law and Daughters-in-law 
Recently one of my friends sent me a joke which ran like this: A group of young women decided to arrange for a camp with their mothers-in-law to …

Snow And Me 
Snow came in our lives when we had pretty much given up on having a pet. My father was an animal lover and we always had pets in our house, especially …

Madame Terminator 
According to Hindu mythology, Hanuman had not been aware of his own super strength due to a curse, till the venerable Jambavan told him about it. It was …

" I am an Advocate .... " 
"I am an advocate, you see!!! If I cannot decipher it how do you think the general public can? Do you have any idea of the Right to Information Act?" …

A Kind Deed 
Who says that Good Samaritans are scarce these days? Is it true that Pity, Compassion and Sympathy are out of fashion? The other day, we had a touching …

Sheer Common Sense 
I do not know whether it is a blessing or a curse that everyday a new medical theory is discovered, be it in medication or in treatment. The prevailing …

An Ode To My Students.... 
Every time that I think, ‘Now this is it! My life’s settled…nothing more to come!’ And out of the blue, comes a beautiful bright spark, throws its light …

I could not see the world end! 
Curtains raise Scene - I A great Sunday morning. I am visiting my friend in Chennai and we are enjoying breakfast at one of the local food joints. …

The Unwelcomed Rain 
“A rainy day is an equalizer. You don't know what's going to happen. You just take what you can get.” - Charlie Harvey The rain begins as a …

Artist on Tour 
Going on tour is part of a stage artist’s life, be he an amateur or a professional. There is tremendous excitement in performing in different locales. …

Slices of Lemon... 
The missing slices of lemon... Since I started my lemon facial regimen, I would slice a whole lemon every night and dab it on my skin before …

The Railway Ticket 
One will have to sometimes involuntarily bend the rules however law abiding one may be otherwise. Even the venerable Bheeshma in his lecture on ethics …

The Illusion 
Our house in Kolkata (then Calcutta) was a huge mansion like building having several floors. Ground floor was occupied by us whereas the landlord resided …

Cooked with Love 
Whenever I prepare a dish at home, a special one, or for a guest, I inevitably think all those who too had prepared something with love for me. It’s amazing …

Postings to New Delhi 
Getting a posting to New Delhi was tantamount to opening a tourist house for relatives and visitors. This was not the case just with us but any South Indian …

Body In The Bedroom! 
The houses these days are planned well. Every comfort and convenience of the residents is taken into consideration. For example, the light switches are …

The Globalized Sheila 
We are living in very different times. Sooner we realize it the better. Gone are the days of those submissive maids who stuck to their jobs diligently. …

Learn To Say “No” 
I was a Scary-pooh when I was in school. I was always scared of almost everything. Be it the class performance or the recital competition, everything …

The Salted Nuts 
Among all the snacks, salted nuts have always been my favorite. Though in later life I have tasted salted cashew nuts from Goa, salted pistachios from …

The Unfinished Article 
Having a full day's leave just for yourself, is a luxury for a full time working woman. I had the habit of taking such a day's leave once in a while, just …

Kuri kalyanam -
A Microfinancing System
We were all set to attend our School Day function, where all children were expected to attend with their parents. We three sisters, one elder and another …

The Post-Lunch Blues 
We had been invited once to the house warming ceremony of a niece of mine. This girl had married into a family of my cousins once removed. I was looking …

Lord of Mundane Things 
This is a grand motherly tale...... Weekends are generally spent in a whirlwind swish- finishing all the unfinished chores, cooking, cleaning, washing, …

Social Get Togethers 
India has never lacked for colourful get togethers - be it marriage, thread ceremony, house warming, 13th day wake etc etc. I have always liked to dress …

Come Fly With Me! 
I found a butterfly in my room today! It opened the switch gate and memories came flooding in! By the time I became a mother, not only space constraint …

Whirring of Wings 
Its about two months back, when I went to visit my grandma, who was fighting her battle with the strange disease of modern life, I was overcome with unfathomable …

Laddus For The Wedding 
In India we used to have restrictions sometimes on bringing things from one state to another, particularly to a state where there was an acute shortage …

A Writer's Prerogative... 
Being a writer gives us the freedom to create any story that we think is worth telling. We create our own world, we view things in a different light and …

The Harbingers of Spring 
Mother's Day has long gone by but I still wanted to write about her. "Maa" as we most often call her here in India. Mother is a mother be it yours or mine. …

Inner Silence 
What do you do when your mind just want to sit still? Even uttering words an effort, just wanted to stare at the four corners of this room and listen yet …

Thrift Shopping 
One major attraction in visiting a foreign country was certainly the shopping part. Though sightseeing also occupied a major part of our schedule, well …

Bamboo Floor 
I have so many things going through my mind....many ideas and scenes playing non-stop. Picturing myself quilting a beautiful silk cloth of vivid colors, …

Nursery Chip on the Sill 
Every morning in the past month, I have been waking up to the chirping of the baby squirrels, housed on my bedroom window. A few days ago, I had noticed …

The Break 
Having let loose an avalanche of blogs, I decided to take a break, probably to the great relief of my readers. This was not due to any writer’s block. …

Noise is Good 
Why do advertisers make such a big issue of SILENT gadgets? I for one prefer to have a washing machine that rattles like an old lady, a ‘frig’ that …

You are caught! 
With the modern cameras in the cell phones any kid can click to get excellent pictures. But, photography in the early days was a tiresome job. Those …

I Recognize You 
It is only in the movies that one requires the help of a song to recognize a person whom one hasn’t seen for a long time. Either one of them …

Akathisia and the Edits 
It was a Friday evening, the last evening clinic at the Neuro Centre for the week. Donned in a PPE, I settled down at my desk, a silent spectator to the …

The Greener Grass - contd.. 
Back to Paage 1 of the article They finally reached Meera’s place in half an hour. It was quite close to the office. She lived in a posh 2 BHK …

Despite the acrid stench that hung in the air, a familiar aura of joy washed over me as we descended upon the city that was no longer mine. The state of …

Reminiscence Matters - contd 
Back to PART 1 PART II A title song shook Janaki up from her slumber. Many names appeared on the screen. This movie was no longer about Ram and …

Thank You Sirs and Ma'ams 
Those were the days before any of the corporate schools had mushroomed to ‘coach’ students in packed classrooms for a gruelling 16 hour, 6 (or 7) day schedule, …

Laff, laff 
Laughter is the best medicine they say. What if one man’s medicine is another’s poison? I am not talking about the laughter that is whipped up in laughter …

My Green Sisters-in-law 
My sisters-in law are GREEN. The green colour I associate with my five sisters in law does not infer their attitude (jealousy) nor to their general state …

Maternity Matters 
It was around 4 p.m. Making herself comfortable on her favorite beanbag Janaki was sipping her hot ginger tea and reading the weekend news supplement. …

Coffee Storm in the Tea Cup 
I am an out and out coffee lover and remained so all through my life. No amount of pressures and health promises from the dark green tea leaves never tempted …

The Passport Story 
"C’mon, we have to be in time or it’s a day wasted," said my hubby on the 17th of April as we got ready to go to the passport office. I had got interviews …

Alibaba's Cave 
Recently I read about an ex-president of India and a friend of his in connection with one of his campaigns. This friend happened to be an ex-dean of one …

Mars vs Venus 
“You know what happened the other day. I was talking to Sheela….” “Which Sheela is it? Don’t shoot off without clearly telling me who it is” Computers …

Comedy of Errors 
It is a very common phenomenon wherein the children resemble their parents. But, in certain cases the boys take on the features of uncles and girls …

Of Indian Railways and Train Journeys 
I’ve always been fascinated by train journeys and train platforms, railway stations and the like. That said, I have a fondness for Indian Railways; part …

As far as I remember, I had always been a 'happy' loner since my school days. The reason I mention 'happy' is because most people have a connotation of …

Rains - then and now 
The rains make me nostalgic. When you live in a city for a long time, you get accustomed to the little things that happen around you, even the limited …

Mysore Dasara 
The Dasara Celebrations in Mysore which have been going on every year for a long time has been touted as a World famous show. Though we had been residents …

Wrong Train  
"Hurry Up" snarled Amma. I trudged behind her clutching my small bag tightly!! We were en route to Kerala for my yearly vacation from Jamshedpur. Dad was …

A Holiday to Remember-contd.. 
Earlier part of the story Little did they know what was waiting for them in store when they saw the three cheerful faces at home, though the house …

A sentimentalist or not... 
While sitting here & listening to my favorite melody, something had crossed my mind...Countless days have passed, when someone has asked me before if I …

Breakfast At Discount 
Sales gimmicks grow more innovative with each passing day. A multi-storeyed Department Store in Bonn, came out with a novel way to lure customers …

Dead and Living 
The Burial of the Dead/The Agony of the Living APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory …

Paper Ticket 
After contemplating about my pattern of ordinary routine which I last followed few months ago. I recalled how at times common things start to feel so uncommon …

Classification of Wives 
If you are about to read this essay of mine, you must either be a litterateur or fond of literature. You must be familiar with different types of beloveds/heroines …

Elephant in the Room 
Elephant in the room is an idiom for an obvious truth/issue that is either being ignored or going unaddressed. An elephant in the room is impossible to …

The rise of English is unbelievable, the mother of all success stories. When Julius Ceaser landed in Britain over two thousand years ago, English did not …

Tsunami at Noon 
It was noon. The winter sun in its best vest shined over the Goodwill College campus. He parked his bike in a secured place a little away from the chirping …

A Woman of Valor... Indira Gandhi 
Yes, she was and still is in my eyes a woman of valor...I grew up seeing her many faces, pictures and her stories in every morning newspapers delivered …

Culinary Discoveries 
I remember one thing the most if I were to talk about my childhood: the numerous, road trips I've had. My father (or appa as I call him) is a …

A Train Journey Experience Not rated yet
Years ago, during a train journey, I happened to overhear a conversation between two male co-passengers. Ignoring the notice “Smoking Strictly Prohibited …

Motherhood is an Option and Not a Necessity Not rated yet
(Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay) “The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness. “ We always …

From Strangers to Soul Sisters Not rated yet
A year back I was an ordinary housewife going about my daily routine. I often found myself yearning for something more meaningful in my life. The thought …

A Soul Murder Not rated yet
You wanted to treat her like other girls you had met, liked it. That’s why you lost her. She didn’t have to be impressed. Just attended honestly and be …

Technology and Indian Elections in the global context Not rated yet
In the digital era, the landscape of political campaigning and electoral processes has been revolutionized by technological advancements, notably through …

Communication and Government Sector. Not rated yet
Strong communication in local government helps increase citizen trust. Building that trust will in turn help inspire citizens to become more engaged and …

The Teenage Frenzy Not rated yet
The Teenage Frenzy: Exploring the Obsession with Celebrities among Today Celebrities have long held a special place in the hearts of many teenagers …

Water water every where, not a drop to drink Not rated yet
ELIXIR OF LIFE Water is the elixir of life say the wise but today the lack of it might lead to the next world war. It wouldn’t be a surprise to …

Mental Health Not rated yet
I woke up in a cold sweat. No, I had not been seeing scary movies or getting nightmares at least not the ghost ones, neither was I getting a heart attack …

The Trishul Of Acceptance Not rated yet
In life, we often find ourselves yearning for the approval of others, hoping that everyone will think highly of us and appreciate our actions. However, …

Ravana's Mirrors Not rated yet
Once upon a time, in the land of ancient legends and timeless wisdoms, there lived a king named Ravana. He was known far and wide, for his ten heads, each …

By the Ocean Not rated yet
“Ever wondered how things would have been, had you spoken to me instead of the world”. She murmured looking at the moon as they sat by the ocean. A discussion, …

Stereotype - A problem that needs to be addressed Not rated yet
Introduction A stereotype, in its literal meaning, means having a generalized belief about a particular person, place, or thing. Stereotypes can …

VIS a VIS VISAS Not rated yet
The summer or winter holidays are a time for travelling … domestic or abroad. If abroad it involves Visas. Ugh, the word Visa gives me a shudder. Why …

Who is the more confused Desi-contd Not rated yet
Back page 1 Then again when these children grow up, the Indian parents start to feel the loss of authority over their kids in the process of selection …

Perishable Goods Not rated yet
Emotions, Perceptions, Ideas change. As society sprints from one latest development to another, the inability to keep up with the fast pace of life, …

Often, I have heard many people,who struggle for a very long time,saying that they have nothing to lose. A warrior or a sufferer can be motivated …

Shards of My Naked Self... contd Not rated yet
Back to Page 1 Page 2 Or is love a desire to be cherished, valued and not merely lusted over. To me now it seems, love is merely wishing someone …

The Secret Not rated yet
It is truly said, "Love is blind." There were four friends- Zaheer, Sonalika, Abhishek and Rohit. All of them were from good family backdrops except …

Nutrition Not rated yet
Eating a protein-rich eating regimen consistently not just aides in development and fix of our body cells yet in addition keeps medical problems under …

To Marry or Not to Marry Not rated yet
When you are living in an Indian society, and when you are almost about to reach the most critical age of your life (Well, that’s 30, if you don’t know) …

I refuse to understand why Not rated yet
“A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.” ― Gloria Steinem Saanvi, our protagonist was branded a feminist …

The Great Resignation- Do jobs even matter anymore? Not rated yet
The work world in 2021 was carved within three words…The Great Resignation. Confined within the four walls of the house for nearly two long years, people …

Sari Love Not rated yet
My love of sarees is a lighthouse which beckons me home and is the compass showing me the path of return to India. My affinity for sarees was not …

Detoxify after Diwali Not rated yet
Detoxify after the Diwali Eating Splurge! Most of you must be suffering from Post Diwali Guilt Syndrome, which may continue for a long time. Diwali …

Celebrating Diwali Not rated yet
Celebrate Diwali with minimum pollution and maximum happiness! Very soon many of us are going to joyously let in light and dispel darkness. Yes, Diwali …

Split Ends Not rated yet
Split Ends - Relationships in the Virtual World / When I watch couples sharing their activities with their partners(trying to be specific here) …

Clueless college journeys Not rated yet
CLUELESS COLLEGE JOURNEYS - An exciting All India Tour with the bunch of extroverts Back in 2015, I was right out of high school with the decent …

The magic of music!! Not rated yet
Guess an art form that triggers your feelings in different way... that's right, it's MUSIC!! Music is a vital part of every person's life. It is essential …

The Taboo of Menstruation in India Not rated yet
Menstruation or period is a natural biological process that all girls and women go through every month for about half of their life because the survival …

Covid 19 has entered our lives Not rated yet
Covid -19 has entered all walks of our lives, mainly our friends’ circle! Busily watching a movie on YouTube on my Laptop, I heard my cell ring…..” …

Girl Meets Belief Not rated yet
In 1425, Joan of Arc, a 13 year old girl, believed that she heard the voice of God telling her to drive the English out of France. Consequently, she …

Black Check Not rated yet
A BLACK CHECK IN OUR EMOTIONAL CHESSBOARD Anger, anxiety, disgust, fear, horror, envy are some of the black squares of our emotional chessboard. …

Beauty and Morality Not rated yet
WHY IS BEAUTY ASSOCIATED WITH MORALITY No, I am not talking about ‘inner beauty’ that should flourish in our society but rather the ‘superficial …

Caught in the Baffling Array of Choices! Not rated yet
I, for sure, am quite confused about having 150 channels to select from which my service providers gives me , as to whether to consider it as a profitable …

Woman’s Identity Not rated yet
Does Motherhood alone relate to a Woman’s Identity? ‘Continental Xtra – the strongest instant coffee’ campaign that is being telecast over the TV …

Filter Kaapi - contd Not rated yet
Back to Page 1 of the article Filter Kaapi- South India's Signature Drink - contd It would not be out of place if I tell you that filter …

Born To Fly - A Disruption Of Basic Right Not rated yet
I was four years old when I heard a parrot say “hello” and was absolutely stunned in the ability of a bird to speak a human language. My neighbour had …

Difference Between Love And Infatuation Not rated yet
I personally feel that this generation falls more into infatuation thinking it as love, because I am seeing lots of cases which falls into this category …

The Synopsis of Ideal Male virility Not rated yet
With the establishment of society, came the inception of ideal behaviour of then recognised and accepted genders, male and female. While man was termed …

Consciousness Not rated yet
Consciousness: An Effort to Demystify Consciousness has been the topic for discussion since inception. Scientists have long been trying to …

Age No Barrier For Friendship Not rated yet
Some might see a significant age-gap as a barrier to a close friendship, but the age gap was never an issue for Reena and Lakshmi. Reena, now 40 and Lakshmi …

The Spectrum of Success Not rated yet
It was a lazy Sunday morning. The dull and dark monsoon sky lacking the much needed shine and sheen, yet, isn't there a particular charm in the swollen …

Sushant, Wish You Were Alive Not rated yet
The sky is so blue, the air is so fragrant, I can hear the sound of nature, exclaimed Sushant. Few moments later an Angel appeared. Sushant asked, where …

Treatise of Hatred, Love and Karma Not rated yet
At any point in your life, have you ever gotten consumed by your hatred for one particular person? Have you ever developed an instinctive dislike for somebody …

Lockdown and Job Not rated yet
Shit Just Got Real, But You've Got This! Yes, 1.3 billion* of us Indians have stayed home for almost 2 months. Albeit it was probably the best …

Cooking Not rated yet
Cooking is not merely cookware and kitchen! "Cooking is at once child’s play and adult joy. And cooking done with care is an act of love." - …

A Magical Secret Not rated yet
Magic… believe it or not exists! Maybe it comes true for those who just believe in it. One such magical place exists on earth in my own country… Shimla! …

Every Child's Super Hero Not rated yet
To put it bluntly, fifty percent of a baby is made up of the father’s genes. The role and influence of a father is irreplaceable. Neither a mom nor a nanny …

The Scorpios of the Zodiac Not rated yet
As Scorpion season commenced on 22nd of October I started feeling this strange urge to dedicate atleast one article of my life to the Scorpios of the …

The Inner Happiness Not rated yet
Life is a beautiful journey. This journey consists of surprises. Some of them are good while some of them are bad. In this journey, Happiness plays a main …

Perspective Not rated yet
It has always worked this way with me – the topics choose me, I don’t choose topics. Now with the change in the editorial policy of IWW …

Theft On The Train  Not rated yet
A long time ago, when I was in 7th grade, my aunt was engaged and looking forward to her marriage. We had decided to take a train to her in law’s place …

End of an Era Not rated yet
We used to spend our whole summer in the village where my grandfather and grandmother lived with my aunt and uncle. I remained very excited as the summer …

Being a Man Not rated yet
I am often snapped when I try to see the male perspective in a situation where feminism demands both attention and attraction. The idea of women empowerment …

Fitting into the Wave!!! Not rated yet
The other day I got to meet (read got the opportunity to meet) a so called established self-made businessman. My meeting was scheduled in a coffee shop …

Hey Bholaynath Not rated yet
Nina’s grandfather had built a Shivjee temple more than a hundred years ago. This temple at Gaimukh, district Bhandara, has a strong following. The devotees …

Woman of the Soil Not rated yet
My grandmother calls herself,’ a woman of the soil’. Born to a father who was a farmer and a mother who she never saw having died at childbirth. In the …

Dhara Not rated yet
A saint once happened to cross a brothel. Unaware he decided to rest in the shed near the main gate. There was an abominable lull in the darkness of the …

Size XXL please!! Not rated yet
Size XXL please!! is the most uttered phrase whenever I land up in a mall searching for outfits. I call them outfits because they need to fit in without …

Hostel Chronicles Not rated yet
I am a middle class Indian Girl and as per the protocol I was meant to cry at my departure after the wedding ceremony. Something similar was expected of …

The Irony of Life Not rated yet
Things tend to be ironical at times. Well, our life is. Now, if we think about it properly, we might think that all this is quite unfair; but, then who …

The Spinster's Yarn Not rated yet
A couple of months ago, I had to fill a form that included check boxes for selecting, among other things, one’s marital status. I was surprised to realize …

What Else Can a Mother Say… Not rated yet
Just like every mother, I too have a lot to say to my daughter. But before I say anything else, I want to share the first promise that I made to myself, …

Epitome of Extravaganza Not rated yet
What is it being thrifty? Why are people neglecting being judicious with their own Moolah? The term PDA should be changed to PDM (Public display of Moolah). …

Breakfast Confusion Not rated yet
Whenever I take Masaladose, I remember my aunt and uncle. They are very old -in their eighties, making them look like antiques in the eyes of the children. …

On Its Own Pace Not rated yet
Looking at the vista of lavish gifts of life, 'childhood' is the most enduring phase endowed upon humanity. These pleasant memories are profusely …

Chai Time - Connecting People!! Not rated yet
'It's Chai Time' ... 'Tea Time' Wooh!! A common phrase that's heard anytime, anywhere, across people of different ages, troops, cultures.. Chai is one …

Humpty Dumptyism Not rated yet
Lewis Caroll’s Humpty Dumpty’s boast was that when he used a word, it meant what he chose it to mean. Humpty Dumptyism did not exist only in Alice’s …

Hens Party Not rated yet
A post with the tongue in cheek approach. She had brought some old photographs to share. In one of them she stood in a seedha palloo sari …

Our Walking Not rated yet
“We will start morning-walk”- He declared suddenly-“You are putting on weight”. With great enthusiasm did I start; …

Demon in Me Not rated yet
It was a dream. I was in a dark room, still I found it familiar. I could not move. Out of nowhere I found two people coming towards me. When they were …

Desire Not rated yet
Urmila: I was just a girl when you married me to this vast empty palace. The night you first made love to me I was barely a teen. I hated everything …

Whistler Not rated yet
I with my family members were fast asleep in the night, when a high pitched shrilling and piercing sound of a whistle, woke me up. I looked at wall clock …

The One Above Not rated yet
Whether you are a theist or an atheist, you have to believe in the existence of the One Above - the Uparwala. If you haven’t believed in Him until now, …

Wedded to Profession Not rated yet
Last week my friend Asha paid a visit to my house during one of her short visits to India. We hadn't met each other for many years. We grew up together …